Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cheyanne: Working on my personal progress with my wonderful mother the first time was such great experience. I am so excited to start working on my personal progress for the second time. It will be such a spiritual growing experience that will definitely bring me closer to my Savior and to learn more of myself and who I am. Working on the personal progress with my mother will also make it more special, and a greater experience to spend time on it with her and getting to know each other more as we come closer to Christ.

How do I feel that having prayers strengthens my testimony and faith?
As I get more consistent on my prayers, and am truly talking to my Savior in prayer, I feel the spirit more often. The things that I pray for may be things that I am thinking about during the day, and when I feel the spirit more I am able to listen to the Holy Ghost more. When that comes up you feel more happy, which is a true testimony strengthener.

Tina: As I was pondering upon faith last night, my sister Kari came to mind. She lived in Australia for 10 years. She has a son there, Jake who is 10, he is living with his father. She had a great business- a nail salon, many clients, a nice home, car and furniture. She mentioned that one time when she was showering she had a strong impression that she need to get Taren and Lexi (2 of her children to America) She struggled tremendously with the choices she was going to have to make. She finally called and said she was going to make the move. Another sister, Sherri and I flew to Australia last year to help her pack things up and to help her make the move. That was one of the hardest things I have seen someone have to sacrifice. Selling things on ebay, trying to decide what could be shipped over, leaving beautiful furniture out on the curb for anyone to take. Having to leave Jake, many friends, & Lexi's (her daughter) huge pet rabbit. Having the rubbish man come and haul away beds, furniture, just about everything that was left. It was really heartbreaking to watch. She gave up so much, having faith in what was possible. Since then her son- Adam, is going on a mission to New York and will leave soon. Adam baptized Teran, and then Teran baptized Lexi. She is a great example of a woman having faith!

1 comment:

  1. Tina, you expressed my feelings about the experience in Australia so much better than I. We are truly surrounded by men and women of great faith...even in today's world. Cheyanne, you are truly a pure daughter of God. Heavenly Father has a special work for you here on this earth, and that mission will come to you as you follow His spirit and do as the Spirit prompts you to do. I know that you are an angel to your mother right now. I have so much gratitude that you are watching over my little sister. Hugs and Kisses!
